Monday, February 9, 2009

Help Me Fight Leukemia

As I discussed in my initial posting for this blog, over the last few years I have really gotten into bicycling. It has made a big difference in my life and now I am looking to use it as a means of having a positive influence on the lives of others. I can see that my bicycling can be used as a lever to raise money for charities in a time when money is tight for them, but the need the charities serve continues.

My first step in this is my participation in a 100 mile charity ride where I am raising money for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). This is a worthy cause. The money I raise will help in finding cures for leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. More than 823,000 Americans are battling these blood cancers. It hits home for my wife Susan and I because her father was taken by myeloma at the young age of 43. Please help me reach my commitment to this charity by contributing using the online contribution website

If you want to track my training as I prepare for the ride, you will find a training log in another posting within this blog. For most of my road rides you will be able to click a link (example) within the log and then see a detailed route map for the ride along with all sorts of statistics: speed, heart rate, elevation gain, cadence and more. This will allow you to see that your contribution is sponsoring someone who is very serious about the ride.

On behalf of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, thank you very much for your support. I greatly appreciate your generosity.

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