Thursday, February 12, 2009

Training on the LifeCycle

Rides on the LifeCycle are simple to prepare for. These are usually shorter rides so I don’t have to worry about fueling my body during the ride. I ride at my local gym on one of a number of LifeCycles conveniently placed where I can get a good view of three different TVs. To get prepped I just put on my workout clothes and headphones, then connect the headphones to my mp3 player/FM radio, then tune the radio to the frequency that is being used to broadcast the sound from one of the TVs I will watch. I highly recommend the Sansa e250, e260, or e280 mp3 player/FM radio models as you can get them cheap off

To start my ride, I get on the LifeCycle, program in my first 30 minute workout setting, then start spinning away. The LifeCycle starts off at a low load for a few minutes, allowing me to get warmed up before being put under significant load. I alternate between a couple of different types of programs on the LifeCycle as a means of keeping my body from habituating to the training program. The two programs I use are the "Hill Profile" and the "Random" programs. After the first 30 minute program completes I will do at least one more 30 minute program before calling it a day. Between 30 minute programs I will take a minute or two water break. If I am riding for more than an hour I will drink some Cytomax and ingest a Clif Shot Blok every 20 minutes.

Riding the LifeCycle feels much more like work than when I am out on the road riding one of my bikes. Because of this I don’t get near a much stress relief as I get when on the road. This is one of the reasons why I ride on the road as much as I can. Still I do spend a lot of time on the LifeCycle as that is often the only convenient means I have to putting in the time I need to meet my training goals. I also find myself keeping up with the world of sports and political commentary as I alternate between watching ESPN and CNN on the overhead televisions as I ride.

As I approach 50 I can say that I am stronger on the LifeCycle than I was 15 years ago when I would do four 30 minute sessions per week. On the older LifeCycles I used back then, I typically was only able to push level eight out of 10, burning maybe 260 calories in 30 minutes. On the newer machines I start out at level 19 out of 20, burning between 365 and 411 calories in 30 minutes depending on the program. I drop down to level 17 for the second 30 minute program, but still burn between 330 and 365 calories. For those of you who are approaching or beyond 50, I hope this offers encouragement that you can be better than you were before.

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